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Saturday, February 15, 2025

7:00 am
Registration/Continental Breakfast/Visit Exhibits
Informal Discussion with Faculty
7:50 am
Welcome and Introduction
Richard W. Rosenquist, MD

The Fundamentals
Moderator: Richard W. Rosenquist, MD

8:00 am
Percutaneous Cervical Spine Procedures: Guidelines, Technical Aspects, and Safety
Richard W. Rosenquist, MD
8:30 am
Guidelines for Use of Corticosteroids for Adult Chronic Pain Interventions
David A. Provenzano, MD
9:00 am
Persistent Pain After Joint Replacement?
Kevin Vorenkamp, MD
9:30 am
Infection Control in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
David A. Provenzano, MD
10:00 am
Refreshment Break/Visit Exhibits
10:30 am
Cervical Spine Surgery in 2025 – Indications, Outcomes and Future Directions
Dominic Pelle, MD
11:00 am
Artificial Intelligence and Pain Treatment
Maxim Eckmann, MD
11:30 am
Closed Loop Spinal Cord Stimulation
Nagy A. Mekhail, MD, PhD
12:00 pm
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period
Session Faculty
12:30 pm
6:30 - 8:30 pm


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Sunday, February 16, 2025

7:30 am
Continental Breakfast/Visit Exhibits
Informal Discussion with Faculty

Regulatory, Billing, and Ethical Challenges in Pain Practice
Moderator: Richard W. Rosenquist, MD

8:00 am
Private Equity and Pain Practice: Challenges, Opportunities, and Threats
Damean Freas, DO
8:30 am
Optimizing Documentation to Ease Preauthorization
Kevin Vorenkamp, MD
9:00 am
Advocacy in Pain Medicine: At the Table or on the Menu
Richard W. Rosenquist, MD
9:30 am
Unethical Behavior as Encountered by the Medical Board
Damean Freas, DO
10:00 am
Refreshment Break/Visit Exhibits

Emerging Pharmacological and Interventional Treatments

10:30 am
Interspinous Spacers
Salim Hayek, MD, PhD
10:45 am
Sacroiliac Joint Fusion
Dominic Pelle, MD
11:00 am
Sherif Costandi, MD
11:15 am
Intradiscal Treatments
Nagy Mekhail, MD, PhD
11:30 am
Nav 1.8 Inhibitors
Christy L. Hunt, DO
11:45 am
Basivertebral Nerve Ablation
Maxim Eckmann, MD
12:00 pm
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period
Session Faculty
12:30 pm
6:00 - 7:00 pm

Problem-based Learning Discussions

  1. Painful Peripheral Neuropathy - Christy L. Hunt, DO
  2. SCS – How to Proceed when Complications Occur - Kevin
    Vorenkamp, MD

  3. Engaging the Patient in Healthy Behaviors - Jessica Hill, CNP and
    Alisa Freas, PA-C

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Monday, February 17, 2025

7:30 am
Continental Breakfast/Visit Exhibits
Informal Discussion with Faculty

Neuromodulation: Effective Utilization of Targets, Techniques, and Devices
Moderator: Sherif Costandi, MD

8:00 am
High Frequency Stimulation
David A. Provenzano, MD
8:20 am
Christy L. Hunt, DO
8:40 am
Closed Loop Spinal Cord Stimulation: Changing Outcomes Over Time
Nagy A. Mekhail, MD, PhD
9:00 am
Yashar Eshraghi, MD
9:20 am
Intrathecal Drug Delivery
Salim Hayek, MD, PhD
9:40 am
Maxim Eckmann, MD
10:00 am
Treatment of Chronic Postamputation Pain with Bioelectric Nerve Block
Sherif Costandi, MD
10:20 am
Refreshment Break/Visit Exhibits

Neuromodulation – Changing Paradigms and Devices: How Do I Choose the Best One for My Patient?

11:00 am
Matching the Diagnosis and the Technique/Device for the Best Patient Outcome – A Case Discussion with the Experts
Moderator - Sherif Costandi, MD
Panelists - Maxim Eckmann, MD; Yashar Eshraghi, MD; Salim Hayek, MD, PhD; Christy L. Hunt, DO; Nagy A. Mekhail, MD, PhD; David A. Provenzano, MD; Samuel Samuel, MD; Kevin Vorenkamp, MD
12:00 pm
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period
Session Faculty
12:30 pm
2:00 - 4:00 pm
PA/APRN Session
2:00 pm
Pump and Pocket Infections – Evaluation and Treatment
Salim Hayek, MD, PhD
2:30 pm
Difficult Patient Interactions
Jessica Hill, CNP
3:00 pm
Evaluating the Patient with Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Alisa Freas, PA-C
3:30 pm
Novel Treatments for Neuropathic Pain: Topical Capsaicin
Christy Hunt, DO
4:00 pm
6:00 - 7:00 pm

Problem-based Learning Discussions

  1. Opioid Prescribing and Patient Complaints: A View from the Board of Medicine - Damean Freas, DO
  2. Peripheral Nerve Stimulation - Yashar Eshraghi, MD
  3. Spinal Stenosis: Contemporary Treatment Options - Dominic Pelle, MD

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

7:30 am
Continental Breakfast/Visit Exhibits
Informal Discussion with Faculty

PRP and Stem Cells – Evidence, Payment, and Regulatory Issues
Moderator: Sree Kolli, MD

8:00 am
Yashar Eshraghi, MD
8:30 am
Stem Cells
Kevin Vorenkamp, MD
9:00 am
Regulatory Issues Related to PRP and Stem Cells
Yashar Eshraghi, MD
9:30 am
Refreshment Break/Visit Exhibits

Persistent Spinal Pain Syndromes
Moderator: Sree Kolli, MD

10:00 am
Discogenic and Vertebrogenic
Sherif Costandi, MD
10:30 am
Sagittal Imbalance Pseudoarthrosis
Dominic Pelle, MD
11:00 am
Maxim Eckmann, MD
11:30 am
Instability and Fusion
Dominic Pelle, MD
12:00 pm
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period
Session Faculty
12:30 pm
2:00 - 4:00 pm
PA/APRN Session
2:00 pm
Optimizing Interventional Therapy Referrals
Alisa Freas, PA-C
2:30 pm
Low Dose Naltrexone
Jessica Hill, CNP
3:00 pm
Optimum and Appropriate Use of Urine Drug Screening in Clinical Practice
Damean Freas, DO
3:30 pm
Setting Patient Expectations for Interventional Procedures
Alisa Freas, PA-C
4:00 pm
6:00 - 7:00 pm

Problem-based Learning Discussions

  1. Marijuana and Opioid Prescribing: Recommendations for Clinical Practice - Richard W. Rosenquist, MD
  2. Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome – Evaluation and Treatment Options - Kevin Vorenkamp, MD
  3. Practice Management: Optimizing Your Outpatient Practice - Damean Freas, DO

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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

7:30 am
Continental Breakfast
Informal Discussion with Faculty

Pain Control in Special Populations
Moderator: Sherif Costandi, MD

8:00 am
Pain in CRPS
Salim Hayek, MD, PhD
8:30 am
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Sherif Costandi, MD

9:00 am
Pain in Geriatric Populations
Jessica Hill, CNP
9:30 am
Refreshment Break

Opioids and Marijuana
Moderator: Sherif Costandi, MD

10:00 am
Substance Use Disorders and Chronic Pain Management
Sherif Costandi, MD
10:30 am
Acute Pain Management in the Chronic Marijuana User
Sree Kolli, MD
11:00 am
Marijuana: Fantasies and Realities
Sherif Costandi, MD
11:30 am
Opioids and CDC Guidelines
Yashar Eshraghi, MD
12:00 pm
Panel Discussion/Question and Answer Period
Session Faculty
12:30 pm

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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Optional Ultrasound Guided Workshop for Physicians
Live Model
2:00 – 5:00 pm | Fee: $500

Only available for physician symposium registrants. Space is limited, so early online registration is recommended. Attendees will rotate to each station.

How to Improve Your Ultrasound Technique, Anatomy of Truncal, Lower Extremity and Headache Blocks, with four Hands-on Stations:

Station 1 Trunk Blocks (TAP, Iliohypogastric, Ilioinguinal, Genitofemoral, Intercostal)
Station 2 Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks (Femoral, Obturator, LFCN and Adductor/Saphenous, Distal Tibial and Distal Peroneal Branches)
Station 3 Lower Extremity Joint Injections (Hip and Knee)
Station 4 Cervical Blocks (Stellate Ganglion and Brachial Plexus)

Faculty: Sree Kolli, MD; David A. Provenzano, MD; Richard W. Rosenquist, MD; Samuel Samuel, MD

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Optional Ultrasound Guided Workshop for Physicians
Live Model and Cadaver
8:30 am – 12:00 pm | Fee: $800

Only available for physician symposium registrants. Space is limited, so early online registration is recommended.

Bus transportation departs at 7:15 am. Attendees will rotate to each station.

In addition to lectures and scanning on live models, this ultrasound workshop will include a combined session in the cadaver lab. This workshop will provide learners with the opportunity to have hands on experience scanning dynamic anatomy in live models and performing ultrasound guided blocks in cadavers. Topics will include anatomy of the Neck, Upper Extremity, Shoulder Joint, Pudendal Nerve, Caudal, Piriformis, and SI joint. There will be three Hands-on Cadaver Stations to cover blocks in the neck, upper extremities, and gluteal region.

Station 1 Stellate Ganglion Block, Cervical Nerve Root, Brachial Plexus Block
Station 2 Upper Extremity Peripheral Nerves/ Elbow Injection, Median Nerve at Carpal Tunnel Shoulder Joint, and Suprascapular Nerve Block
Station 3 Pudendal Nerve Block, Caudal, Piriformis, SI Joint Injections

Faculty: Yashar Eshraghi, MD; Sree Kolli, MD; David A. Provenzano, MD; Samuel Samuel, MD

Optional Cadaver Workshops for Physicians
1:30 – 5:30 pm | Fee: $800 per Workshop

Only available for physician symposium registrants. Space is limited, so early online registration is recommended.

Bus transportation departs at 12:30 pm, and a boxed lunch is included. Attendees will rotate to each station.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Station 1 Peripheral Nerve Stimulation - Sherif Costandi, MD
Station 2 Cervical Facet Medial Branch Blocks and RFA - Yashar Eshraghi, MD
Station 3 Genicular and Hip RFA - Maxim Eckmann, MD

Monday, February 17, 2025

Station 1 Dorsal Column SCS Lead Placement - Samuel Samuel, MD
Station 2 Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty for Compression Fractures - Sherif Costandi, MD
Station 3 Lumbar Facet Medial Branch RFA and Facet Joint Injection - Kevin Vorenkamp, MD

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Station 1 Intradiscal Procedures (Discography/Injections) - Samuel Samuel, MD
Station 2 Shoulder RFA - Maxim Eckmann, MD
Station 3 Basivertebral Nerve Ablation - Sherif Costandi, MD

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