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Course Information


Course Director

Roberto Simons-Linares, MD
Director of Bariatric Endoscopy
Digestive Disease Institute
Gastroenterology, Hepatology
and Nutrition Department
Advanced Endoscopy Section
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of
Case Western Reserve University

CCF Advanced Endoscopy Faculty

Amit Bhatt, MD

Prabhleen Chahal, MD

Hassan Siddiki, MD

Amandeep Singh, MD

Tyler Stevens, MD

John Vargo, MD, MPH

CCF Surgery Faculty

Matthew Allemang, MD

W. Scott Butsch, MD, MSc

Ricard Corcelles, MD

Chelsea Feng, MD

Matthew Kroh, MD

Salvador Navarrete, MD

Robert Simon, MD

Andrew Strong, MD

Rickesha Wilson, MD

CCF Florida Advanced Endoscopy Faculty

Tolga Erim, DO

CCF London Advanced Endoscopy Faculty

Rehan Haidry, MD

Benjamin Norton, MD

Invited Guest Faculty

Diogo de Moura, MD, MSc, PhD, Post PhD

David Diehl, MD

Vivek Kaul, MD

Jan Kral, MD, PhD, MBA

Jennifer Phan, MD

Kermit Richiez, MD

Mariajose Rojas-DeLeon, MD

Allison Schulman, MD

Christopher Thompson, MD