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Course Information


Friday, January 31, 2025
All times in Eastern Time

Co-Activity Director: Scott R. Steele, MD

Morning Session
5:30 am
Breakfast / Exhibits
6:30 am
Introduction to Course
Michael Rosen
6:40 am
Scott R. Steele
6:45 am
Hemorrhoids – Office or OR
David Rosen
6:55 am
Anal Fissure – Primary & Recurrent
Bradley J Champagne
7:05 am
Abscess / Fistula – Pelvic Spaces & Highways of Pus
Kristen Ban
7:15 am
Evaluation & Management of Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia
Arielle Kanters
7:25 am
Pilonidal Disease – Not Your Typical “Jeep Disease”
Emre Gorgun
7:40 am
“Welcome to My OR – How I Do It”:
Review of Techniques:

  • Hemorrhoidectomy and Thrombosed Hemorrhoidectomy
    David Rosen
  • LIS +/- Flap
    Bradley Champagne
  • EUA & Seton Placement / Fistulotomy / Drainage of Complex Abscess
    Kristen Ban
  • PAP and HRA
    Arielle Kanters
  • Pilonidal Flaps
    Emre Gorgun
8:40 am
Break / Exhibits
8:55 am
Leaks & Tics

  • Leaks: Overview
    Justin A Maykel
  • Tics: Overview
    David Maron
10:00 am

Afternoon Session

3:15 pm
Apres Ski Snacks / Exhibits
4:00 pm
Introduction & Morning Recap
Scott Steele
4:05 pm
Advanced Endoscopy – EMR and Beyond
Emre Gorgun
4:15 pm
Pelvic Floor for the General Surgeon
Kristen Ban
4:25 pm
Robotics Part 1: The Complex Abdomen – Technique
Arielle Kanters
4:35 pm
Robotics Part 2: Pelvis & Lateral Compartment – Technique
David Rosen
4:45 pm
Colon Cancer Update
Bradley Champagne
4:55 pm
Rectal Cancer Update
Justin Maykel
5:05 pm
Cases / Q & A / Discussion

All Faculty
6:45 pm
Closing Thoughts and Recap
7:00 pm

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Saturday, February 1, 2025
All times in Eastern Time

Co-Activity Director: Ajita Prabhu, MD

Morning Session

6:30 am
Morning Intro
Michael Rosen
6:40 am
Shouldice! How I Do It (Videos)
Michael Rosen
6:55 am
Open Inguinal Hernia Repair – How I Do It (Videos)
Samuel Szomstein
7:10 am
Sports Hernia – Who, What, When, Where, Why?
David Krpata
7:25 am
MIS Inguinal Hernia Repair – How I Do It (Videos)
Clayton Petro
7:40 am
Chronic Groin Pain After Inguinal Hernia Repair – Now What?
David Krpata
7:55 am
Hernia Alphabet Soup – Keep It Simple, Stupid
Michael Rosen
8:10 am
Show Me the Money – How Do I Bill For Hernia Repair?
Emanuele Lo Menzo
8:25 am
Panel Discussion
8:40 am
Break / Exhibits
8:55 am
What Type of Mesh Should I Use and When?
Benjamin Miller
9:10 am
Controversies in MIS Hernia Repair
Samuel Szomstein
9:25 am
Open IPOM – When and How I Do It (Videos)
Emanuele Lo Menzo
9:40 am
Panel Discussion
10:00 am

Co-Activity Director: Ajita Prabhu, MD

Afternoon Session

3:15 pm
Apres Ski Snacks / Exhibits
4:00 pm
Are We Over-Optimizing for Hernia Repair?
Benjamin Miller
4:30 pm
Umbilical Hernias in Cirrhotics
Ajita Prabhu
4:45 pm
Fight or Flight? Staging or Biting the Bullet
Lucas Beffa
5:00 pm
Rosen Left Town: Dealing With Our Partner’s Complications
Clayton Petro
5:30 pm
Panel Discussion
6:00 pm
Break / Exhibits
6:15 pm
Hernia Consult Clinic
Lucas Beffa
7:00 pm

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Sunday, February 2, 2025
All times in Eastern Time

Co-Activity Director: Michael Rosen, MD

Morning Session

5:30 am
Breakfast / Exhibits
6:30 am
Introduction to the Day
Michael Rosen
6:35 am
Inpatient Emergency Endoscopic
Tips and Tricks

Jessica Philpott
6:50 am
Foreign Body Retrieval. I Can Get That Out of There, So You Don’t Have to Go in There!
Hassan Siddiki
7:05 am
How to Medically Manage IBD Patients in Your Rural Surgery Practice. A Gastroenterologists Perspective
Jessica Philpott
7:20 am
How to Incorporate Endoluminal Functional Lumen Imaging Probe (Endoflip) into Your Foregut Practice. A Practical Approach
Luke Beffa
7:35 am
Everything You Wanted to Know About Treating Diarrhea and Constipation But Were Afraid to Ask
Jessica Philpott
7:50 am
Panel Discussion
All Faculty
8:05 am
Break / Exhibits
8:20 am
Managing Malignant Bowel Obstructions. When to Intervene, What to Do and How to Offer Palliative Surgical Care
Dan Joyce
8:35 am
Robotics in Acute Care Surgery and Rural General Surgery. Where Do We Stand in 2025?
Ajita Prabhu
8:50 am
A Practical Approach to Managing SBO. Is Gastrografin Challenge the Answer?
Clayton Petro
9:05 am
Appendectomy – Is it Still a Surgical Disease?
Jeff Claridge
9:20 am
How to Successfully Set Up a Medical Weight Loss Program to Supplement Your Preoperative Optimization for Your Surgical Patients
Kim Marko
9:35 am
What We Do in the OR and the Effect on the Environment. A Sustainability Approach to Surgery Using Life Cycle Analysis
Ben Miller
9:50 am
Panel Discussion
All Faculty
10:00 am


Afternoon Session

3:15 pm
Apres Ski Snacks / Exhibits
4:00 pm
Morning Recap
Michael Rosen
4:35 pm
Managing Cholecystostomy Tubes: When to Put Them In and When to Operate?
David Krpata
4:50 pm
Endoscopic Management of CBD Stones in Complex Cases Like Post Gastric Bypass
Hassan Siddiki
5:05 pm
Laparoscopic CBDE. Making it Feasible for the Practicing Surgeon, Tips and Tricks
Ben Miller
5:20 pm
Bailout Options During Difficult Cholecystectomies: Subtotal, Fenestrated, or Just Open? A Practical Algorithm
Rob Simon
5:35 pm
Management of the Incidentalomas Including Liver Lesions, Gallbladder Polyps, Pancreatic Cysts, and Appendiceal Masses. What Every Practicing General Surgeon Should be Aware Of
Dan Joyce
5:50 pm
Panel Discussion
All Faculty
6:00 pm
Break / Exhibits
6:15 pm
Timing of Cholecystectomy Post Biliary Pancreatitis. Wait it Out or Just Get it Out?
Luke Beffa
6:30 pm
Practical Pathways to Managing Biliary Disease. How We Do It
Ben Miller
6:45 pm
I Just Cut the Common Bile Duct and I’m On My Own. What Should I Do?
Rob Simon
7:00 pm
Operative Nightmares in Gallbladder Surgery. A Night at the Movies
Rob Simon
7:20 pm
Panel Discussion
All Faculty
7:30 pm

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Monday, February 3, 2025
All times in Eastern Time

Activity Director: David Rosen, MD

6:00 am
6:30 am
David Rosen
6:35 am
Crystalloid, Colloid, Blood? Resuscitation in Trauma
Cathleen Khandelwal
6:55 am
ER to OR to ICU: Reducing Infection in Trauma Patients
Jeffrey Claridge
7:15 am
From Tubes to Thoracotomies: Managing Thoracic Trauma
Kenji Inaba
7:35 am
Panel Discussion / Q&A 7:50 am
7:50 am
8:05 am
It’s Hot in Here: Burn Management
Cathleen Khandelwal
8:25 am
Always Straight to OR? Workup and Management of Penetrating Abdominal Trauma
Jeffrey Claridge
8:45 am
Tasers, Beanbags, Pepper Spray, Oh My! Less Lethal Weapon Injuries
Kenji Inaba
9:05 am
Panel Discussion / Q&A 9:30am Case Presentations
10:00 am

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