Course Information

Program Overview

About the SEVA Program

The SEVA (Standardized Education for Ventilatory Assistance) program is a multi-level educational initiative that equips healthcare professionals with essential skills to manage mechanical ventilation effectively. Through evidence-based practices, standardized methodologies, and a structured learning pathway, SEVA caters to learners at various levels, from students to critical care physicians. Combining online modules, hands-on training, and simulations, the program builds core competencies in ventilator management, troubleshooting, and goal-directed strategies to improve patient outcomes and care quality in critical care settings.

Certification Track

The SEVA program offers three certification levels, each integrating online and in-person components to provide a comprehensive learning experience. The online portion is included in all certification tracks and must be completed prior to attending in-person sessions. Additionally, a standalone online course is available for independent learners; however, it does not provide certification.

SEVA Fundamental Level

  • Designed for any caregiver involved with mechanical ventilation, including medical students, ICU residents, and respiratory or nursing professionals.
  • Focuses on core principles like ventilator modes, basic waveform interpretation, and the Goal-Directed Ventilator Management Method.
  • Duration: 1 day (in-person session).
  • Offered in Cleveland and select locations outside of Cleveland.
  • Requisites: SEVA-basic (online) + SEVA-method (in-person).

SEVA Advanced Level

  • Tailored for caregivers responsible for implementing ventilator management, such as trainees in critical care medicine, advanced practice providers, and respiratory therapists.
  • Covers advanced ventilator function, waveform interpretation, and protocol-driven care for obstructive and restrictive lung diseases.
  • Duration: 2 days (in-person sessions).
  • Requisites: SEVA-basic (online) + SEVA-theory (online) + SEVA-method (in-person) + SEVA-optivent (in-person).

SEVA Master Level

  • Intended for experienced caregivers, including critical care physicians-in-training, program directors, and ventilator management champions.
  • Focuses on disease-specific protocols, advanced monitoring techniques, and data-driven decision-making.
  • Topics include esophageal balloon use, pressure-volume loops, and comprehensive protocols for ARDS and obstructive lung diseases.
  • Duration: 3 days (in-person sessions).
  • Requisites: SEVA-basic (online) + SEVA-theory (online) + SEVA-method (in-person) + SEVA-optivent (in-person) + SEVA-monitor (in-person) + pass the final test.

For more information or to register for a course, please select the certification track you are interested in. Each in-person program automatically includes the required online modules.

Online Only Option

The SEVA program offers a standalone online course for learners who are unable to attend in-person sessions or prefer to learn independently. This course covers the same material as the online portion of the certification tracks. While this option does not provide certification, participants who complete the online course can receive credit if they choose to enroll in a certification track at a later date.

Learning Objectives of the SEVA program:

  1. Use standardized vocabulary and mode taxonomy to improve communication related to mechanical ventilation
  2. Apply the principles of Goal-Directed Ventilator Management to serve the goals of safety, comfort, and liberation
  3. Optimize ventilation and patient-ventilator interactions using standardized protocols and techniques based on current evidence and physiology.
  4. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of monitoring equipment and technology to evaluate patients undergoing mechanical ventilation.

Non-Certification Track

Caregivers may take any online course without intending to take in-person courses or obtaining a certificate.  Completed course content can be used later to obtain certification.

Please Note:  Online program components must be completed prior to attendance at any live in-person event .