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Course Information


Thursday, October 17, 2024
All times in Eastern Time

7:30 AM
Registration/Continental Breakfast/Exhibits/Sign On
8:00 AM
Opening Remarks
Divya Yogi-Morren and Pablo Recinos
8:15 AM
The Elusive Endocrine Excess: Hidden Hypercortisolism
Laurence Kennedy
9:00 AM
Diagnostic Issues in Cushing's Syndrome
Ricardo Correa Marquez
9:40 AM
Cut the Cortisol: Therapeutic Game Changers
Elena Christofides
10:20 AM
Refreshment Break/Exhibits
10:35 AM
Traversing the Age Continuum: Growth Hormone from Pediatrics to Geriatrics
Betul Hatipoglu
11:15 AM
Acromegaly's Giant Impact
Divya Yogi-Morren
12:00 PM
12:45 PM
Surgical Solutions for Pituitary Tumors
Pablo Recinos
1:30 PM
Shedding Light on Sellar Shadows: Imaging Insights
Chris Karakasis
2:15 PM
Refreshment Break/Exhibits
2:30 PM
Debate - Managing Acromegaly: Medical Therapy vs. Surgical Intervention—Weighing the Risks, Benefits, and Patient Outcomes
Divya Yogi-Morren vs. Pablo Recinos
3:30 PM
Navigating the Sodium-ADH Seesaw After Pituitary Operations
Georgiana Dobri
4:15 PM

All presentations include a 5-minute question and answer period.

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