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Course Information


Cardiovascular disease medicine is a rapidly evolving discipline. The depth and complexity of the data from research studies and clinical trials currently being generated make it difficult for practitioners to remain up to date on the advances and their clinical implications. Furthermore, evidence-based recommendations for the appropriate use of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are frequently updated as research is published, providing additional challenges to busy practitioners to maintain knowledge and competencies. This educational  activity will  provide a contemporary update on the latest knowledge and advances in cardiovascular medicine.


After completing this educational activity, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Critically review key findings from the most important recent clinical trials and describe their implications for clinical practice. 
  • Discuss the clinical implications of guidelines for coronary artery revascularization, management of aortic disease, and diagnosis of chest pain.
  • Apply knowledge to reduce cardiovascular risks through optimal management of dyslipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes.
  • Provide a clinical practice update on management strategies for cardiology patients with various conditions including pulmonary hypertension, pericarditis, amyloidosis, infective endocarditis, and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
  • Discuss the challenging clinical issues surrounding multimodality imaging, adult congenital heart disease, and cardio-obstetrics.
  • Debate the clinical issues regarding heart failure treatment including guideline-directed medical therapy, use of diabetes medications, and role of left ventricular assist devices.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of current surgical technologies and techniques for transcatheter repair and valve replacement.
  • Review the key advances in cardiac electrophysiology, including supraventricular arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, complex tachycardia, and venous thrombosis mapping, and describe their implications for clinical care.
  • Provide a clinical practice update on technical developments in cardiac pacing, resynchronization, and lead management.
  • Summarize the key clinical insights and practical implications of recent experience-based advances in cardiac critical care and vascular medicine.

Target Audience

Practicing cardiologists, cardiology residents, fellows, physician assistants, nurses, advanced practice nurses, and mid-level practitioners seeking a comprehensive review of contemporary cardiovascular medicine.