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Physician & Advanced Practice Provider Track
Friday, June 14, 2024
All times in Eastern Time

7:30 am
Registration, Continental Breakfast, and Visit Exhibits
8:00 am
Atul C. Mehta, MD and Francisco A. Almeida, MD, MS
Moderator: Thomas Gildea, MD, MS
8:15 am
Discussion of cases: diagnosis and staging of lung cancer in the era of advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy and targeted therapy
Francisco Almeida, MD, MS and Grant Senyei, MD
9:15 am
Robotic bronchoscopy for peripheral lesions is the only game in town
Thomas Gildea, MD, MS
9:45 am
Not so fast, other great peripheral bronchoscopy technologies exist and are also here to stay
Colin Gillespie, MD
10:15 am
Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits
10:30 am
Advanced bronchoscopy specimen acquisition, processing, rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) and genotyping during the era of targeted therapy
Kaitlyn Ooms, MD
11:00 am
Bronchoscopic treatment for malignant peripheral lung nodule, is this for real?
Roberto Casal, MD
11:30 am
Biomarkers in the evaluation of lung nodules
Peter Mazzone, MD, MPH
12:00 pm
Lunch and Visit Exhibits
1:00 pm
Hands-on Workshop Sessions
Course Faculty

Group 1

  • EBUS-TBNA - Station I
  • EMN - Station II
  • Robotic Bronchoscopy - Station III
  • Robotic Bronchoscopy - Station IV

Group 2

  • EBUS-TBNA - Station V
  • Real time CABT (C-arm based tomography) navigation and Ultrasound guided system/Ultrasound guided biopsy needle - Station VI
  • Robotic Bronchoscopy - Station VII
  • Airway Management - Station VIII
5:00 pm

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Physician & Advanced Practice Provider Track
Saturday, June 15, 2024
All times in Eastern Time

7:30 am
Registration, Continental Breakfast, and Visit Exhibits
Moderator: Francisco A. Almeida, MD, MS
8:00 am
Discussion of cases: adenopathy and lung lesions
Sangita Goel, MD and Grant Senyei, MD
9:00 am
Molecular testing on TBNA specimen
Atul C. Mehta, MD
9:30 am
Airway management during advanced bronchoscopy
Basem Abdelmalak, MD
10:00 am
Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits
10:15 am
Principles and applications of artificial intelligence in Interventional Pulmonary
Danai Khemasuwan, MD, MBA
10:45 am
Cryobiopsy in diagnostic bronchoscopy: all you need to know
Bryan Benn, MD
11:15 am
Therapeutic bronchoscopy: understanding rigid bronchoscopy for the non-IP physician (pro/con debate)

Rigid bronchoscopy is obsolete: Yes
Atul C. Mehta, MD and Viviane Rossi Figueiredo, MD

Rigid bronchoscopy is obsolete: No
Marcela Azevedo, MD and Michael Machuzak, MD
12:00 pm
Lunch and Visit Exhibits
1:00 pm
Hands-on Workshop Sessions
Course Faculty

Group 1

  • EBUS-TBNA - Station V
  • Real time CABT (C-arm based tomography) navigation and Ultrasound guided system/Ultrasound guided biopsy needle - Station VI
  • Robotic Bronchoscopy - Station VII
  • Airway Management - Station VIII

Group 2

  • EBUS-TBNA - Station I
  • EMN - Station II
  • Robotic Bronchoscopy - Station III
  • Robotic Bronchoscopy - Station IV
5:00 pm
A five-minute question and answer period is included in each speaker’s allotted time

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Nurse, Technician and Respiratory Therapist Track
Friday, June 14, 2024
All times in Eastern Time

7:30 am
Registration, Continental Breakfast, and Visit Exhibits
7:55 am
Thomas Gildea, MD, MS
8:00 am
Hands-on Workshop Sessions
Course Faculty

Group 1

*Attendees will participate in a total of 4 stations. Everyone will participate in the EBUS-TBNA and cytology slides station and the Airway Management station. During registration, you will choose 2 additional stations (from those listed below with an asterisk), based on availability of the technique at your facility or what you may have access to in the future.
**Rotating through additional stations may be possible based on timing/availability.

  • EBUS-TBNA and cytology slides - Station I
  • *EMN - Station II
  • *Robotic Bronchoscopy (EMN Robot) - Station III
  • *Robotic Bronchoscopy (EMN robot with digital tomosynthesis and augmented fluoroscopy) - Station IV
  • *Real time CABT (C-arm based tomography) navigation and Ultrasound guided system/Ultrasound guided biopsy needle - Station V
  • *Robotic Bronchoscopy (Shape sensing robot) - Station VI
  • Airway Management - Station VII

Group 2

  • Rigid bronchoscopy and stents - Station I
  • Hot ablative modalities - Station II
  • Cryospray and cryoprobe - Station III
  • Valves, balloons and bronchial blockers - Station IV
12:00 pm
Lunch and Visit Exhibits
1:00 pm
Q&A session
Course Faculty
3:00 pm

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Nurse, Technician and Respiratory Therapist Track
Saturday, June 15, 2024
All times in Eastern Time

7:30 am
Registration, Continental Breakfast, and Visit Exhibits
8:00 am
Hands-on Sessions
Course Faculty

Group 2

*Attendees will participate in a total of 4 stations. Everyone will participate in the EBUS-TBNA and cytology slides station and the Airway Management station. During registration, you will choose 2 additional stations (from those listed below with an asterisk), based on availability of the technique at your facility or what you may have access to in the future.
**Rotating through additional stations may be possible based on timing/availability.

  • EBUS-TBNA and cytology slides - Station I
  • *EMN - Station II
  • *Robotic Bronchoscopy (EMN Robot) - Station III
  • *Robotic Bronchoscopy (EMN robot with digital tomosynthesis and augmented fluoroscopy) - Station IV
  • *Real time CABT (C-arm based tomography) navigation and Ultrasound guided system/Ultrasound guided biopsy needle - Station V
  • *Robotic Bronchoscopy (Shape sensing robot) - Station VI
  • Airway Management - Station VII

Group 1

  • Rigid bronchoscopy and stents - Station I
  • Hot ablative modalities - Station II
  • Cryospray and cryoprobe - Station III
  • Valves, balloons and bronchial blockers - Station IV
12:00 pm
Lunch and Visit Exhibits
1:00 pm

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