Webcast CME

Women's Health - Faculty - Holly Pederson

Surgical de-escalation: Are we ready for “Observation” of benign high-risk, breast lesions found on core needle biopsy? PART TWO
3.62 / 4.00
Faculty: Andrei Brateanu, MD; Holly Pederson, MD; Benjamin C Calhoun, MD
CME: Yes
Length: 15 minutes
Release Date: 11/01/2023
Expiration Date: 10/31/2026
Surgical de-escalation: Are we ready for “Observation” of benign high-risk, breast lesions found on core needle biopsy? PART ONE
3.64 / 4.00
Faculty: Andrei Brateanu, MD; Holly Pederson, MD; Benjamin C Calhoun, MD
CME: Yes
Length: 15 minutes
Release Date: 10/02/2023
Expiration Date: 10/01/2026