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Course Information

Why Attend?

This symposium is designed to review best practices that highlight the latest therapies, procedures, and diagnostics in LGBTQ+ care in compliance with Ohio HB 68 and Florida law. The LGBTQ+ population represents a group of individuals with unique healthcare needs that often go unmet. This educational activity seeks to identify challenges and opportunities for improvement to ensure equitable, inclusive, and affirming healthcare for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Who Should Attend?

This activity is designed for family physicians, general internists, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, residents and fellows, social workers, and other health care professionals who have an interest in LGBTQ+ healthcare.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Assess and critically appraise healthcare services for LGBTQ+ populations and identify areas for improvement to better care for LGBTQ+ populations.
  • Identify gaps in care, training, and policy and highlight areas for system-wide change to create inclusive environments and improve health outcomes.
  • Evaluate awareness, counseling practices, and utilization of PrEP and doxy-PEP within LGBTQ+ populations.
  • Identify culturally sensitive, evidence-based screening questions for relevant topics, including cancer screenings, and identify barriers to accessing appropriate health screenings for LGBTQ+ populations.
  • Identify and define key steps of gender-affirming care, including assessment for gender dysphoria, readiness for affirming hormone therapy, and identification of essentials of gender-affirming surgery.