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Course Information

A Message from the Reunion Directors

It is time for our 8th Biennial Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Reunion, taking place July 28-29, 2023. Following our tradition to gather during the summer school break, we hope that many of you are able to join us to celebrate the successes and accomplishments of our patients and their family members of our surgery program.

Welcome back to a forum where we understand each other in ways which can be comforting and can help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Over the years, all of us have shared invaluable information and advice about our experiences and in the process helped others understand what they are going through. Participants have offered support and shared coping strategies for dealing with challenges that come with epilepsy and epilepsy surgery. We have basked in the opportunity to connect with others who are, or have been in a similar situation allowing for meaningful relationships to form and for a sense of community to develop. And without a doubt, through shared resources, support and experiences, we all come away with a sense of empowerment as we put a shine to our quality of life.

2018 Reunion Highlights

In July 2018, 52 families from across the United States gathered in Cleveland to share their life experiences after epilepsy surgery. Some of them were a few months out from surgery while others had years of journey behind them. They all brought a cheerful outlook for the future while remembering sobering moments from their previous challenges with seizures. The wealth of personal experiences set the stage for a remarkable learning experience for the attendees. Just like every reunion, the faculty of physicians and other experts facilitated stimulating discussions and a rehabilitation exposition for the families. The young attendees had fun engaging in age-specific supervised activities.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the various circumstances that require the continuation of medication after surgery
  • Review long-term post-surgical complications
  • Describe potential physical and sensory challenges after surgery
  • Discuss life changes after surgery for the patient and family members