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Course Information


Day One – Friday, April 4, 2025
All times in Eastern Time

7:15 am
Registration & Breakfast
7:50 am
Welcome & Introductions
James Fernandez, MD, PhD

Session 1 – Humoral Deficiency

8:00 am
CVID - what we know
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles, MD, PhD
8:30 am
Pulmonary complications of CVID
Joseph Parambil, MD
9:00 am
Allergies in antibody deficiency
Jaclyn Bjelac, MD
9:30 am
GI disease in IEI
Peter Mannon, MD
10:00 am
Panel Discussion
10:20 am
Break & Exhibits

Session 2 – Complexities in IEI

10:40 am
Autoimmune disease and IEI
Leonard Calabrese, DO
11:10 am
Skin diseases - clues to immune dysfunction
Anthony Fernandez, MD, PhD
11:40 am
Biologics for the treatment of immune dysregulation
Jocelyn Farmer, MD, PhD
12:10 pm
Panel Discussion
12:30 pm
Lunch & Non-CME Satellite

Session 3 - Advances and Future in Diagnostics

1:30 pm
Artificial Intelligence in immunodeficiency
Nicholas Rider, DO
2:00 pm
Using genetics in your practice
Harry Layton Lesmana, MD
2:30 pm
What to do with variants of unknown significance
Troy Torgerson, MD, PhD
3:00 pm
Panel Discussion
3:20 pm
Break and Exhibits

Session 4 - Beyond Humoral Defects

3:40 pm
NK cell deficiency
Jordan Orange, MD, PhD
4:10 pm
Complement defects - when to be concerned
Kathleen Sullivan, MD, PhD
4:40 pm
Mannose binding lectin - to test or not?
Deepa Patadia, MD
5:10 pm
Panel Discussion
5:30 pm
Adjourn to Reception & Non-CME Satellite

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Day Two – Saturday, April 5, 2025
All times in Eastern Time

7:15 AM
Registration & Non-CME Satellite
7:55 AM
Welcome & Introductions
James Fernandez, MD, PhD

Session 5 - Therapies and Advances in Treatment

8:00 AM
Immunoglobulin Replacement
James Fernandez, MD, PhD
8:30 am
Prophylactic antibiotics
Mark Ballow, MD
9:00 am
Gene therapy
John McDonnell, MD, MS
9:30 am
Rabi Hanna, MD
10:00 am
Panel Discussion
10:20 am
Break & Exhibits

Session 6 - Recurrent or Secondary Infections

10:40 AM
Hypogammaglobulinemia and secondary immunodeficiency
Antoine Azar, MD
11:10 am
Vaccines for the immunocompromised
Cassandra Calabrese, DO
11:40 am
Lab testing in a patient with infections - the basics
Qasim Ansari, MD
12:10 pm
Panel Discussion
12:30 pm
Closing Remarks
12:35 pm

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