7:00 am |
Registration and Breakfast
7:55 am |
Welcome & Introductions
Amanda Vest, MBBS, MPH |
Session 1 - Updates in HF Epidemiology and Population Health
Moderators – Yaquta Kaka, MD and Khalil Murad, MD, MS |
8:00 am |
HF STATS: The changing face of heart failure
Eileen Hsich, MD
8:15 am |
The next frontier: earlier diagnosis and treatment of HF
Jerry Estep, MD |
8:30 am |
Harnessing tech for GDMT optimization and readmission reduction
Tre Martyn, MD
8:45 am |
Moving the needle for disparities in HF care
Monica Mechele Colvin, MD, MS |
9:00 am |
Panel Discussion and Q&A
9:20 am |
Break |
Session 2 - HFrEF and EP Innovations
Moderators – Karen James, MD, and Pei Zhao, MD |
9:40 am |
Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathies and genetic testing
Jane Wilcox, MD
9:55 am |
Ventricular tachycardia in patients with HFrEF
Pasquale Santangeli, MD, PhD |
10:10 am |
AF ablation and the pulsed field era
Oussama Wazni, MD
10:25 am |
Cardiac contractility modulation
Maria Mountis, DO |
10:40 am |
The LAA and controversies in anticoagulation
Mohamed Kanj, MD |
10:55 am |
The future of remote HF and EP monitoring
Niraj Varma, MD, PhD |
11:10 am |
Panel Discussion and Q&A
11:30 am |
Lunch |
Session 3 - HFpEF and Pulmonary Hypertension
Moderator – Andres Carmona Rubio, MD, and David Katzianer, MD |
12:30 pm |
New insights into HFpEF mechanisms
W.H. Wilson Tang, MD
12:45 pm |
Breakthroughs in obesity-related HFpEF
Amanda Vest, MBBS, MPH |
1:00 pm |
Current and emerging device-based therapies for HFpEF
Sean Bhattacharya, MD
1:15 pm |
Advanced evaluation of the breathless patient
J. Emanuel Finet, MD |
1:30 pm |
What’s new in pulmonary hypertension
Miriam Jacob, MD |
1:45 pm |
Panel Discussion and Q&A
2:05 pm |
Break |
Session 4A - Meet the Clinical Trialists (Concurrent Session)
Moderators – Arianne Agdamag, MD, and Oussama Wazni, MD |
2:25 pm |
Novel therapies for cardiomyopathies
W.H. Wilson Tang, MD
2:40 pm |
Trials and tribulations in valvular interventions
Amar Krishnaswamy, MD
2:55 pm |
The next generation HFrEF therapies
Randall Starling, MD, MPH |
3:10 pm |
Lessons learnt for diverse HF trial recruitment
Nancy Albert, PhD, CCNS, CCRN |
3:25 pm |
Panel Discussion and Q&A
Session 4B - Building a HF Program (Concurrent Session)
Moderator – Yasser Nabeel, MD, and Pei Zhao, MD |
2:25 pm |
GDMT optimization across the inpatient-outpatient domain
Brad Williams, PharmD
2:40 pm |
Remote monitoring the “old school” way: Weights, vitals and symptoms
Tracey Matejka, PA
2:55 pm |
Remote monitoring in the “AI era”: Leveraging new devices and algorithms
Rebecca Reay, NP |
3:10 pm |
Educating and engaging the patient of tomorrow
Amanda Mitchell, BSN, RN |
3:25 pm |
Panel Discussion and Q&A |
3:45 pm |
Concurrent Sessions Adjourn |
7:00 am |
Registration and Breakfast
7:55 am |
Amanda Vest, MBBS, MPH |
Session 1 - Cardiomyopathies (amyloid, HCM, Sarcoid) and HFrEF
Moderator – Phoo Pwint Nandar, MD, and Julia Simkowski, MD |
8:00 am |
Managing TTR cardiac amyloidosis in 2025
Mazen Hanna, MD
8:15 am |
HCM in the era of myosin inhibition
Milind Desai, MD, MBA |
8:30 am |
A positive PET scan: What comes next?
Jan Marie Griffin, MD |
8:45 am |
Multidisciplinary cardiac care during pregnancy
Karlee Hoffman, DO |
9:00 am |
Panel Discussion and Q&A
9:20 am |
Break |
Session 2 - MCS and TX
Moderators - Eileen Hsich, MD, and Anthony Zaki, MD |
9:40 am |
The next generation of LVADs and trials
Pavan Bhat, MD
9:55 am |
LVADs in a Transplant World
Marwa Sabe, MD |
10:10 am |
Transplant and VAD options in congenital conditions
Michael Tong, MD, MBA
10:25 am |
Evolutions in organ preservation and transportation
Edward Soltesz, MD, MPH |
10:40 am |
Managing MCS at a non-transplant center
Kenneth Varian, MD |
10:55 am |
Post-heart transplant outcomes and management innovations
David Baran, MD |
11:10 am |
Panel Discussion and Q&A
Session 3 - Cardiogenic shock and critical care
Moderators - Peter Unkovic, DO, and Amanda Vest, MBBS, MPH |
11:30 am |
Shocking updates: Classifications, catheters and myocardial recovery
11:45 am |
Collapse to comeback: Improving outcomes after cardiac arrest
Venu Menon, MD |
12:00 pm |
Fixing the flow: Revascularization for the high-risk patient
Anthony Zaki, MD
12:15 pm |
Getting shock right: Managing the right ventricle
Ran Lee, MD |
12:30 pm |
DanGer ahead: Seeking an evidence base for shock management
Andrew Higgins, MD |
12:45 pm |
Panel Discussion and Q&A
1:05 pm |
Closing Remarks |