Table 3. Choice of Concentrate:
High or low-purity; Recombinant or plasma-derived?*
factor products are recommended for:
- All previously
untreated patients
- Patients
who have been treated but remain HCV and HIV seronegative
- Mild and
moderate severity disease when desmopressin is not sufficient
(e.g., surgery or trauma)
products are recommended for:
- HCV-and HIV-seropositive
products are recommended for:
- Surgical
procedures (to avoid the thrombogenic side effects of less pure
factor IX products and to facilitate continuous infusions)
- Immune tolerance
induction and prophylaxis regimens
- HIV-seropositive
individuals with CD4 counts > 200/mm3 (increased
purity may preserve CD4 lymphocyte levels)
Abbreviations: HIV=human
immunodeficiency virus; HCV=hepatitis C virus
* Reference: Lozier JN,
Kessler CM. In: Hoffman R, et al, editor. Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice
3rd ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone p. 1883-1904.
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